Keep in mind, that  “Sell video” button is available only for videos uploaded from the PC. You can’t use this button for YouTube videos.

To add Overlay Buttons follow these steps:

  1. Go to “My channel”

  2. Click “Add a new video”

  3. Choose “Upload new video” or “Submit video link”

  4. Complete all the steps (add video title, description, tags, etc.) and go to “Video Overlay Buttons” that are located on the bottom

  5. Select a button you want to attach: “Sell video”, “Sell product”, “External link”.

To add “Sell video” button follow these steps:

  1. Select “Sell video” button

  2. Enter the price for watching full video

  3. Upload a trailer video

  4. Click “Save”

  5. Open a video where you attached a button and check if “Sell video” button is working. To check it click “Play” on video and wait till “Watch full video” button will appear on the bottom left. Click on it. You should see a screen on the right side with an option to buy your video. 

To add “Sell product” button follow these steps:

  1. Select “Sell product” button

  2. Click on the dropdown arrow “Select a product to promote” (Before selecting this button you should add products to your channel)

  3. Choose a product you would like to sell

  4. Click “Save”

  5. Open a video where you attached a button and check if “Sell product” button is working. To check it click “Play” on video and wait till “Buy product” button will appear on the bottom left. Click on it. You should see a screen on the right side with an option to buy your product.